01 August 2012

Periodontal plastic surgery | Cosmetic Dentistry,periodontology

Periodontal plastic surgery is defined as surgical procedures performed to correct or eliminate
anatomic, development or traumatic deformities of the gingival or alveolar mucosa or bone
A)Gingival augmentation 
 This is used to stop marginal tissue recession or to correct an alveolar bone dehiscence resulting from natural or orthodontically induced tooth movement.  

B)Root Coverage
This migration of the gingival margin below the cement enamel junction with exposure of root surface is called gingival recession has been associated with tooth brushing trauma, periodontal disease, tooth malposition, alveolar bone dehiscence, high muscle attachments frenum pull.

C)Augmentation of the edentulous ridge 
This is correction of ridge deformities following tooth loss or developmental defects. It is used in preparation for placement of fixed partial denture or implant supported prosthesis when aesthetics and function must be necessary.

D)Aesthetic Crown Lengthening 
This is used when there is not enough dental tissue available or to improve aesthetics.

E)Exposure of nonerupted teeth 
The procedure is aimed at uncovering the clinical crown of a tooth that is impacted and enable its correct positioning on the arch through orthodontic movement.

F)Loss of interdental papilla

G)Socket preservation 
Prevention of ridge collapsed associated with tooth extraction.
  The maintaince of socket space with a bone graft after extraction will help reduce the chances of alveolar ridge resorption and facilitate future implant placement.
H)Aberrant frenulum
I)This is used to help close a diastema in conjunction with orthodontic therapy. It is used in treating gingival tissue recession aggravated by a frenum pull.


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